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Voodoo Shack

Middle-Grade Novel-Paperback, Michigan Mystery


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When 11-year-old Iris Weston discovers a ramshackle hunting cabin deep in Hazard Swamp, she and her friends decide it's perfect for a secret clubhouse. The gang dubs it the Voodoo Shack and meets there to swap stories and play card games. Ol' Man Hazard, the former owner, died under mysterious circumstances, and the kids speculate whether it was an accident, suicide, or maybe even murder. The gang believes that cash from an unsolved robbery may have been stashed within feet of the cabin. Even when things go badly awry, feisty Iris learns how to use her wit and independence to put things right, discovering what family really means in this adventurous and often humorous coming-of-age story set in rural Michigan in the 1960s. 


Voodoo Shack

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